Glossodoris cincta
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Usually found on patch reefs and beneath coral rubble. Widespread nudibranch with differing regional color patterns. The Indonesian color variation has a brownish body dotted in white, with double yellow and blue rim around the outer edge of the mantle. Can be confused with a similar species, Glossodoris hikuerensis.
Frequency of sightings:
Best time of year:
Shallow water, up to 25m, big species up to 8 cm
Divesites seen at:
Air Prang, Air Prang 2, Air Prang 3, Angels Window, Aw Shucks, Batu Merah, Batu Sandar, Critter Hunt, Goby A Crab, Hairball 1, Hairball 2, Hairball 3, Heynus, Jahir, Jahir 2, Lembeh Resort House Reef, Madidir, Magic Crack, Magic Rock, Makawide, Makawide 2, Makawide 3, Nudi Falls, Nudi Retreat, Pantai Jiko, Pantai Kecil, Pantai Parigi, Pintu Colada, Pintu Kota Besar (Seagrass), Pintu Kota Kecil, Police Pier, Police Pier 2, Pulau Abadi, Pulau Dua, Pulau Putus, Retak Larry (Larrys Crack), Serena West, Slow Poke, Tanjung Kubur, Tanjung kusu-kusu, Tanjung Tebal, TK 1, TK2, TK3
Taxonomical order of this critter:
- Aegires gardineri Nudibranch
- Aegires minor Nudibranch
- Aegires villosus Nudibranch
- Ardeadoris averni Nudibranch
- Ardeadoris cruenta Nudibranch
- Ardeadoris electra Nudibranch
- Ardeadoris undaurum Nudibranch
- Bornella anguilla Nudibranch
- Cadlinella subornatissima Nudibranch
- Caloria indica Nudibranch

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