Periclimenes imperator
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Found on a range of invertebrate hosts such as on large nudibranch species (Spanish dancer, T-bar nudibranch) and sea cucumbers or flamboyant cuttlefish. Colour pattern of this species varies to match the colour of its host. Usually found in pairs. These shrimps feed of faeces and mucus of its host.It is found invariety invertebrate host, some time in pair or can found it in Nudibranch Hexabranchus sanguineus or Spanish Dancer or Ceratocoma sp. Also you can find it in sea cucumber Thelenota sp., Synapta sp. or Stichopus sp.
Some time the color can match with the color of the animal that they live on
Frequency of sightings:
Best time of year:
to 20 m depth, length up to 2 cm.
Divesites seen at:
Air Prang, Air Prang 2, Air Prang 3, Aw Shucks, Batu Merah, Batu Sandar, Critter Hunt, Goby A Crab, Hairball 1, Hairball 2, Hairball 3, Heynus, Jahir, Jahir 2, Lembeh Resort House Reef, Magic Crack, Nudi Falls, Nudi Retreat, Pantai Kecil, Pantai Parigi, Pintu Colada, Pintu Kota Besar (Seagrass), Pintu Kota Kecil, Police Pier, Police Pier 2, Retak Larry (Larrys Crack), Serena West, Slow Poke, Tanjung Kubur, TK 1, TK2, TK3
Taxonomical order of this critter:
- Allopontonia iaini shrimp
- Amboinensis crinoid shrimp
- Ankers whip coral shrimp
- Banded coral shrimp
- Banded tozeuma shrimp
- Bubble coral shrimp
- Bumblebee shrimp
- Coleman shrimp
- Dragon shrimp
- Durban hinge-beak shrimp

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