Octopus mototi
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Solitary species, found on our sandy bottom dive sites. It is a poisonous species. Usually found hidden in small crevices, but mostly in empty bottles and cans. Can resemble the coconut octopus by shape but its coloration is different. Mototi's colour patterns include a pair of bright blue rings (ocelli) behind its head and a general orange colour when resting. Distinct brown and white stripes appear on its body when swimming. This species can have a similar body size to the blue ring octopus as a juvenile, but can grow to larger sizes as an adult up to 10 cm. It can be recognized by its two tiny blue rings on the side of the body. This octopus is also poisonous. If they feel disturbed they can change color to vertical dark brown lines and the base body color can be change to yellow or white. They are usually found in the rubble and sea grass beds. They like to hide in shells, bottles, or even cans that make them feel safe. This species is also rare to find.
Frequency of sightings:
Best time of year:
All year round
Body size up to 10 cm, arms up to 25 cm.
Divesites seen at:
Air Prang, Hairball 1, Hairball 2, Hairball 3, Heynus, Jahir, Jahir 2, Magic Crack, Police Pier, Police Pier 2, Retak Larry (Larrys Crack), Slow Poke, TK 1, TK2, TK3
Taxonomical order of this critter:
- Algae octopus
- Blue-ringed octopus
- Coconut octopus
- Hairy octopus
- Longarm octopus
- Mimic octopus
- Mototi octopus
- Paper nautilus
- Reef Octopus
- Starry night octopus
- Wunderpus octopus

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