Euprymna berryi
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Found in shallow coastal waters. Usually found on sandy and rubble bottoms or half buried in the sand. The light organ contains a type of Vibrio bacteria that produces luminescence. This same bacteria also causes bioluminescence in pinecone fish. It uses its triangular fins to bury itself into the substrate and uses its arms to cover itself with sand grains.
Frequency of sightings:
COMMON during Night Dives
Best time of year:
All year round
Closely related to both squids and cuttlefish. Up to 5cm in lenght
Divesites seen at:
Jahir, Lembeh Resort House Reef, Nudi Falls, Nudi Retreat, Pantai Parigi, Pintu Colada, Police Pier, Police Pier 2, TK2
Taxonomical order of this critter:
- Bigfin reef squid
- Bobtail squid
- Pygmy squid
- Tropical bottletail squid

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