Plectorhinchus polytaenia
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A bright yellow as base color and bold pattern of black edge also ple blue stripes along the body from head to tail. Can be found in small groups during the day. The body is up to 40 cm.
Frequency of sightings:
Best time of year:
All year round
Divesites seen at:
Angels Window, Aw Shucks, Batu Kapal, Batu Merah, California Dreaming, Critter Hunt, Dantes Wall, Goby A Crab, Jiko Yansi, Magic Rock, Makawide, Makawide 2, Makawide 3, Mawali Wreck, Pantai Parigi, Pulau Putus, Tanjung Tebal
Taxonomical order of this critter:
Free Swimmer
Sweet Lips
- Dotted sweetlips
- Harlequin sweetlips
- Lined sweetlips
- Oriental sweetlips
- Ribbon sweetlips
- Spotted painted sweetlips
- Striped sweetlips

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