Metasepia pfefferi
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This is a solitary species but they can occasionally be found in pairs. They are found mostly during the day, walking on their lower arms and with their back mantle flapping along the sandy bottoms of the Strait. They hunt for small fish and crustaceans. Their flamboyant colours are displayed when alerted to warn potential predators of their toxicity. The toxins contained in their muscles have the same lethality as those possessed by their cousin, the blue ring octopus. They can be observed laying eggs under empty coconut shells from January to July.
Frequency of sightings:
Best time of year:
All year round
1- 25 m depth, length up to 12 cm, but usually smaller
Divesites seen at:
Air Prang, Aw Shucks, Critter Hunt, Goby A Crab, Hairball 1, Hairball 2, Hairball 3, Heynus, Jahir, Jahir 2, Lembeh Resort House Reef, Magic Crack, Nudi Falls, Nudi Retreat, Pantai Kecil, Pantai Parigi, Pintu Colada, Pintu Kota Besar (Seagrass), Pintu Kota Kecil, Police Pier, Police Pier 2, Retak Larry (Larrys Crack), Serena West, Slow Poke, Tanjung Kubur, TK 1, TK2, TK3
Taxonomical order of this critter:
Cuttle Fish
- Broadclub cuttlefish
- Flamboyant cuttlefish
- Needle cuttlefish
- Pygmy cuttlefish

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