Dactylopus dactylopus
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Sandy and muddy bottoms of sheltered bays. It is able to bury itself in sand, or walk on finger-like ventral fins during its search of food. Characteristics of this species are its large body size for dragonet and brown- black colouration with and false blue eye on the first dorsal fin. Solitary or in pairs. As all dragonets, it can be observed mating during dusk. Can be confused with orange and black dragonet, which has brighter orange and blue coloration on its fins and an orange coloured mouth.
Frequency of sightings:
Best time of year:
All year round
5- 55 m depth, size up to 30 cm
Divesites seen at:
Air Prang, Air Prang 2, Air Prang 3, Aw Shucks, Hairball 1, Hairball 2, Hairball 3, Heynus, Jahir, Jahir 2, Lembeh Resort House Reef, Magic Crack, Pantai Parigi, Police Pier, Police Pier 2, Retak Larry (Larrys Crack), Slow Poke, Tanjung Kubur, TK 1, TK2, TK3
Taxonomical order of this critter:
Sand Dweller
Buttom dweller
- Fingered dragonet
- Mandarinfish
- Orange & black dragonet
- Picturesque dragonet

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