Dolabella auricularia
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This is the largest species of sea hare as it can reach 1.5 meters in length. It has a sloping disc-like shield, with papillae around it. The end of the body looks like the posterior of the animal was chopped off. In the midline in front of the shield is a smaller groove which houses the inhalant siphon which draws water into the enclosed mantle cavity.
Dolabella is quite variable in color but it is almost always mottled shades of green and brown which makes it extremely well camouflaged in nature. It is normally found in sheltered bays on sand or mud. It can also be found in large intertidal rockpools. It feeds on a variety of brown, green and red macroalgae.
Frequency of sightings:
Best time of year:
All year round
Divesites seen at:
Air Prang, Air Prang 2, Air Prang 3, Lembeh Resort House Reef
Taxonomical order of this critter:
Sea Hare
- Blunt-end seahare
- Lined seahare

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